Final SBCH rotation for Year 5…Part 2!

Following this previous post of Group 1’s final SBCH rotation, Dr Lee just couldn’t put her iPad down.  Here are some of the activities from the final days in South Bristol for Groups 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8, as well as the Dental Therapists.

Farewell meals for Groups 2 and 8.

The very happy faces of Group 6!

Groups 3 and 7 say goodbye.

The Dental Therapists enjoy South Bristol, as they should when there’s cake!

1 thought on “Final SBCH rotation for Year 5…Part 2!”

  1. Further evidence of success… their credible “patient did not attend rates”
    Term 4.3 11.3%
    5.1 7.9%
    5.2 6.6% this is indeed, incredible, what a team!


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